I am Mihiri Hapuarachchi member of UNI SLAC Youth Committee, Member of NPTWU representing Postal sector.
As a young female trade union activist, I was privileged to attend UNI Apro Young Women Leaders Workshop, 13th UNI Apro Youth Committee Meeting and 5th UNI Apro Post and logistic conference which was held at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 22nd to 27th August 2017. It was a great experience for me. Having participated in the Young Women Leaders Workshop, an opportunity was extended to all of us by UN APRO to observe the UNI Apro Youth Committee Meeting and the 5th UNI Apro Post & Logistic Sector Conference.
I was delighted to witness the election of SisterNorikaWarnasuriya, secretary of UNI SLAC Youth from NPTWU, Sri Lanka as the Pacific UNI Apro Youth president representing South Asia to serve the UNI Apro in Asia.
Sister Norika chaired the meeting as the newly elected UNI Apro Youth President. Youth Committee members representing Indonesia,Japan,Korea,Malaysia,Nepal,Philippines,Singaporeand Sri Lanka shared their youth activities and social responsibility programs to empower young trade union activists in their own countries. The youth committee meeting was filled with active discussions and debates which I got to feel the real time situations in various countries, the struggles of youth to overcome in their own battles.
UNI Apro Young Women Leaders Workshop (22-23 August 2017)
Twenty One Young Women Leaders, and activists representing Trade Unions in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippine took part in this 2 days workshop and the Resource persons were Sister Veronica Fernandez Mendez (Head UNI Equal Opportunities UNI Global Union),Sister Marta Ochoa (Coordinator, UNI Equal Opportunities), Sister Michelle Belino(UNI Apro Director for Youth Activities),Sister Yoko Ogawa (UNI Apro Director for Equal Opportunities), Sister Alice Chang (Director for commerce)and Sister Bernadette Reyes (UNI PLC Youth President).
Brother MD. Shafie BP Mammal (President of UNI MLC) extended his greetings for a successful workshop followed by a very inspiring key note speech delivered by Brother Christopher Ng (UNI Apro Regional Secretary) on the topic of future World of work on the inauguration. He explained how will be the future of Job and how will the digitalization effect to workers and work place. Sister Michelle Belino introduced on UNI Apro activities and course expectations.
The workshop contended various presentations, discussions and knowledge sharing sessions on Equal Opportunities, UNI world women’s committee, the campaigns for increasing women participation, Digitalization and Women in Asia Pacific Region, Social media etc. This was a good opportunity for me and my colleague Sister PrabhashiWickramanayake (UPTO)to understand about the women participation in trade union activities and new trends and technology in use. What is new technology, itsimpact on women and what should do for face this? We understood the concepts, Digitalization and widening technology gap. This made us feel the urge of sharing this new experience and knowledge gained through this workshop to be shared among the other young women activists in our own unions as well.
5th UNI APRO Post & Logistic Conference (25-27 August 2017)
UNI Officials and UNI Affiliated Trade Union activists representing Post and Logistics sector in Asia Pacific Region gathered to Hotel Istana with Inaugural Address & Opening Honourable Datuk Seri Dr.Salleh Said Keruak, Minister of Communication and Multimedia Malaysia. On behalf of UNI SLAC, Fifteen Trade union members representing NPTWU, UPTO and Sri Lanka Post and Telecommunication Services Uniontake part in this sector conference. The Post Master General, Mr. D.L.P. RohanaAbeyaratne also joined the conference as a invited speaker on the 3rd day to share his views onPost and Logistics Sector in the new waves of Digitalisation, Global and Asian Liberalization of Post and logistics services: Employers and Trade Unions working in partnership to manage adjustments at the enterprise and industry levels.
Sister Chandrika Eladaththa [NPTWU], Brother G G C Keerthirathne [UPTO] and Brother HaripriyaHettiarchchi [Media Pro-Tech] were got elected to UNI Apro Regional Committee at the conference. Congratulations to all of them, we are all proud of you. UNI SLACYouth.!!!!